The day you get married in the temple is one you will always want to remember. Members of the church get married in LDS Temples throughout the world. We specialize in LDS Temple wedding photography. For 30 years we have been taking picture and video at LDS Temples all around the United States. It has been a pleasure to spend the day with each of our wedding couples.
Of course because we are based in the Mesa Arizona area a majority of our weddings that we take pictures and videos at is at the Mesa Arizona Temple. We love taking wedding pictures at the Mesa Arizona Temple. We have also taken wedding pictures at the Gila Valley Temple and the Snowflake Temple which are also located in Arizona. In addition to that we have shot at weddings at the San Diego Temple, Los Angeles Temple, Medford Oregon Temple, Salt Lake City Temple, Las Vegas Nevada Temple, Portland Oregon Temple, Manti Utah Temple, Bountiful Utah Temple, Seattle Washington Temple, Atlanta Georgia Temple, Chicago, Illinois Temple, even as far away as the Washington DC Temple. And many, many more.
All of our Temple Wedding Photos and videos are shot with the top of the line Canon photo and video equipment. We do really recommend that a couple tries to take their formal photos/videos of the two of them on a day different then their wedding day. That way there is no rush on the wedding day. We can then take the time to take photos with their family and friends after the sealing without having to worry about taking the couple around the Temple for photos. We generally plan on starting photos at the reception about one hour before guests start to arrive.